Support for Principals

We introduce tailored online support offered by BeGreat Institute to enhance the development of your school. Our vision is to create an environment where teachers, educators, principals and pupils grow together, co-creating an outstanding educational experience. Our online platform is designed with your needs in mind, providing easy access to exceptional educational resources and professional services. Together, we build an educational environment that inspires your teachers and contributes to the successful development of your school.

Naša ponudba:

  1. Support for Teachers in Teaching: Our programs focus on innovative pedagogical approaches for the school transformation process, such as visible learning, formative assessment, choice theory, NLP, and more. We offer a wide range of educational services, including online courses, workshops, coaching, and individual consulting that will help your teachers develop professional skills and understand how their work impacts pupils' lives.
  2. Rich Collection of Educational Resources: On our online platform, you'll have access to a wide range of exclusive blogs, materials, case studies, and video content. These resources will enrich the professional knowledge of your teachers and assist them in developing innovative teaching approaches.
  3. Interactive Exchange Forum: In the forum, you can exchange ideas, experiences, and solutions with fellow principals and teachers from different schools. We encourage collaboration, networking, and co-creation of a rich learning environment that inspires your work.
  4. Starter Course and Seminars: To get the basics and familiarize yourself with the key elements of learning and relationship support, there is začetni tečaji(na daljavo) inseminarji v živo, pri vas na šoli.
  5. Monthly Support Calls, Intervision Meetings, and Supervisions: Our experts will regularly organize monthly support calls for community members,Intervision Meetings, where you can ask questions, share experiences, and receive feedback and advice for successful school leadership. If you desire such support at your school,supervisory meetingsand seminars are available.
  6. Exclusive Webinars: We will regularly organize webinars on the latest pedagogical approaches, school leadership, teacher development, and more. Your teachers will have the opportunity to participate in interactive webinarjih and gain valuable knowledge.
  7. SCommunity Membership, so vam in vašim učiteljem v ugodnih paketih dosegljivi vsiposnetki preteklih webinarjevin novi webinarji, za dve kavi na mesec oz. za četrtino vrednosti cen vseh webinarjev.
  8. Individual Consulting: In this era of rapid change and new challenges, we recognize the need to adapt with new approaches. Our experts will provide you with professional advice on reshaping and optimizing educational processes, implementing new teaching methods, and creating an environment that fosters holistic pupil development. Together, we will seek solutions that support your vision and school development goals.
  9. Intervizijska skupina za ravnatelje: Pri podpori učiteljem ne boste sami, temveč vas bodo podprli kolegi, ki stopajo po podobni poti razvoja kot vi, z izkušnjami, primeri dobre prakse. Znotraj intervizijske skupine poskrbimo tudi za podporo pri vašem vodenju.
    Datumi izved 2024/25:
    4. 9. 2024 ob 11.00 - 12.00
    2. 10. 2024 ob 11.00 - 12.00
    13. 11. 2024 ob 11.00 - 12.00
    7. 1. 2025 ob 11.00 - 12.00
    25. 3. 2025 ob 11.00 - 12.00
1. leto



Detekcija močnih področij in področji za izboljšave.

Ustvarjanje podpornega okolja za rast in razvoj učiteljev in učencev.

Skupnost učiteljev+
2. leto

Mreženje znanja, povezovanje in implementacija.

Skupnost učiteljev+

3. leto


Razvoj veščin, načela učenja in delovanja šole.

Skupnost učiteljev+

We can prepare aflexible packagewith additional discounts tailored to the needs and goals of your school. Together, we will build a strong educational community that contributes to improving the quality of education and the growth of your school.


"Pomembno je, da kot ravnatelji ne ostanemo izolirani. Spodbujanje širjenja dobrih praks med ravnatelji mora biti enako spodbujano kot med učitelji." Zdenka Mahnič, ravnateljica

Zdenka Mahnič, ravnateljica

"Mreženje je ključnega pomena. Kot ravnatelji v procesu preobrazbe potrebujemo prostor, kjer lahko delimo izkušnje in se posvetujemo o vodenju. 

Hospitacije z neobremenjenimi strokovnjaki so nam odprle oči, nas podprle pri razvoju in odzvanjale med učitelji v zbornici še dolgo po izvedbi."

Uroš Kobal, ravnatelj

"Kot ravnateljica cenim možnost, da slišim razmišljanja svojih kolegov ravnateljev. Izmenjava mnenj in izkušenj je neprecenljiva, da se tudi mi med seboj povežemo in si pomagamo." Nuša Pohlin Schwarzbartl, ravnateljica

Nuša Pohlin Schwarzbartl, ravnateljica

"Hvaležna sem vam za vsako informacijo, nov pristop, pogled na poučevanje, ki je veliko dal učencem in tudi meni pri osebnostni rasti. Na račun vaših pristopov mi tudi hospitacije niso predstavljale pretiranega stresa in veliko sem pridobila tudi na samozavesti."

Božena, učiteljica

Veselimo se priložnosti za sodelovanje z vami in vašo šolo.

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