
Leading the Development of Formative Assessment within the Team


"Zadovoljna sem, da se je na šoli oblikovala skupina učiteljev, ki razvija in izboljšuje poučevanje. Začetki niso bili enostavni, a je po drugem srečanju v začetku šolskega leta prišlo do preboja pri članih kolektiva, ki so želeli rasti, ustvarjati in iskati rešitve pri izzivih s katerimi so se soočali. Meni, kot pedagoškemu vodji, je pozitivna naravnanost mojih kolegov dala zagon za sodelovanje in podporo učiteljem.

Ključni korak pri razvoju naše šole je bil seznanitev učiteljev z vidnim učenjem. V samem procesu podpore razvoju učiteljev pa še prilagajanje (manj je več), vključevanje in izpostavljanje kakovostnega dela učiteljev. Na supervizijah so učitelji slišani, radi izvejo, kaj delajo dobro in dobijo konkretne napotke za nadaljnji razvoj. Opažam, da jih zelo podpre postopen napredek, z mislijo na zdravje in dobro počutje učitelja, brez dodatnih administrativnih obremenitev in z veliko iskrenega pogovora. Opažam, da se energija, ki je prisotna na supervizijskih srečanjih širi naprej.

 Kot ravnateljica opažam več samozavesti in samozaupanja tudi pri svojem vodenju. Izzivi in težave s katerimi se soočam so del življenja in rasti.

 Hvaležni smo za vsako vrsto podpore, ki opolnomoča strokovne delavce v didaktičnih, psiholoških in pedagoških pristopih."

 Željka Adamčič, ravnateljica OŠ Ankaran

"Greetings. I thank you once again for all the information and, most importantly, the support. You gave us the feeling that we are doing well. We know we need to improve, but now it will be much easier."

A teacher from a school with whom we explored paths and co-created formative assessment over an extended period

"Perhaps you are not aware, but you have truly helped me A LOT. Most of all, I liked your HONESTY and the possibility of admitting that you don't have the answer yet... The meeting was great, and the group was pleasant.

Now I understand the essence finally... of course, I am still learning... I have the desire, I'm motivated, and I'm making an effort..."

Feedback from a participant in a seminar

"Ko mi je sin povedal, da se pripravlja na govorni nastop, sem ga avtomatsko (kot večina staršev) vprašala, kaj potrebuje, ali skupaj poiščeva informacije ipd... Zelo samozavestno je odgovoril, da bo tokrat vsa zadeva izpeljana v šoli. Še pri iskanju slik na internetu je namesto mene, poprosil sestro, da mu je pomagala pri delu z računalnikom. Sinov odgovor je bil, da starši ne smemo pomagati.

Najprej sem bila začudena, nato potolažena, ko sem na govorilni uri izvedela, da zares delajo sami. Učenci si sami iščejo literaturo v knjižnici, doma, na spletu, si izdelujejo osnutke in delajo zapiske besedil. Vse v šoli.

Ko mi nekaj dni kasneje sin pripoveduje o njegovi predstavitvi in mi pokaže plakat, skorajda nisem mogla verjeti, da je delal sam. Čudovit plakat, z izjemno lepo pisavo in smiselno razporeditvijo vsebine.

Nič ne odtehta sinovega ponosa na kakovost njegovega izdelka in posledično pridobljeni odlični oceni. Sam, čisto sam, brez maminega nadzora je zmogel narediti odličen izdelek. Običajno je želel, da slišim njegov govorni nastop, mu ga pomagam izboljšati.

Bila sem zelo ponosna in dobila potrditev, da zmore sam veliko več, kot si misli. Po navadi je potreboval mojo potrditev, da zna, da zmore, sedaj pa že nekaj časa opažam, da je tega vse manj, ko je učiteljica ubrala drugačen pristop pri učenju, ki opolnomoči otroke. Tudi pri ostalih predmetih sin ve, kaj mora znati, je zelo samozavesten, pove, da v šoli veliko vadijo in da ga zato ni strah preverjanj, niti ocenjevanj znanja.

Hvaležna in zelo zadovoljna sem s takim načinom pouka ter iskrena hvala za vso podporo in trud, ki ga kot učiteljica vlaga v pripravo okolja, kjer se sin počuti samozavestnega in varnega."


Povratna informacija mame učiteljici

Schools We Collaborated With or Conducted Initial Seminars With:

OŠ Dragomelj, OŠ Branik, OŠ Sv. Ana, OŠ Prevalje (2023), OŠ Sežana, Oš Franceta Prešerna Maribor, OŠ Frana Erjavca, 2. OŠ Slovenj Gradec, OŠ 8. talcev Logatec, OŠ Deskle, OŠ Žužemberk, OŠ Podbočje, OŠ Črna (2022), OŠ Gorje, OŠ Koper, OŠ Vodmat, OŠ Črni Vrh, Gimnazija Ormož, OŠ Dobrovo (2021), OŠ Milojke Štrukelj, OŠ A. Aškerca Velenje (2020), OŠ F. Roša Celje, OŠ Preska, OŠ Toneta Okrogarja, 2. OŠ Slovenska Bistrica, OŠ Preserje pri Radomljah, Oš Frana Kranjca Celje (2019), OŠ Danila Lokarja, OŠ Griže, OŠ Petrovče, OŠ Antona Globočnika Postojna, OŠ V. Kraigherja Ljubljana, Oš Šmartno v Tuhinju, OŠ Dobravlje (2018), OŠ Velike Lašče, OŠ I. Skvarče Zagorje ob Savi, Oš Velika Polana (2018), 1. OŠ Slovenj Gradec, OŠ J. Vege Moravče, OŠ Ormož, OŠ Jarenina, OŠ Kostanjevica na Krki, OŠ Ormož, OŠ Ribnica na Pohorju (2017), OŠ Miklavž na Dravskem polju, OŠ Koper, OŠ Sladki Vrh, OŠ Destrnik – Trnovska vas, OŠ Vojke Šmuc Izola, KUPM 2016

V učiteljski skupnosti in na intervizijskih skupinah povezujemo najmanj 400 učiteljev. Na brezplačnih dogodkih pa vsaj 4 % slovenskih učiteljev in vzgojiteljev. 

Successful Stories of Formative Assessment Implementation within the Team

​Experiences and Insights from Teachers in One of the Slovenian Schools:

  • The meetings we have within the formative assessment group are how all educational conferences should be: discussions about the quality of teaching, planning improvements to our teaching.
  • With the introduction of formative assessment, pupils become active, which accelerates their acquisition of knowledge, improves retention, and makes learning lasting.
  • The learning process, with formative assessment, is placed in the hands of the pupil as an individual; they become aware of their prior knowledge, understand the goals and process, define their criteria, and dictate the pace of learning.
  • I'm realizing that pupils can be motivated to become active learners.
  • For subjects where structure is essential, this teaching method is very welcome.
  • The crucial aspect is working with pupils to be aware of goals and the path to achieving them.
  • At such meetings, I get ideas for how to cover certain subjects.
  • I'm fascinated by the motivation and independence of pupils, a different approach to knowledge, and peer support and collaboration.
  • In the meetings, I receive interesting ideas. I see that formative assessment can be implemented in various subjects; it's not as complicated as I had imagined.
  • I'm thrilled by the positive classroom atmosphere and pupils' engagement.
  • I like it when I see colleagues' concrete examples, the entire process, and video recordings.
  • I'm enthusiastic about the authenticity, sincerity, and realistic assessments. Now I'm learning how even sixth graders can perform critical self-assessments if we guide them in the process of setting performance standards.
  • I'm learning how the roles of both teachers and pupils are changing: on one hand, the teacher's role is shifting, and on the other, the pupil's role is expanding, becoming more active in the learning process.
  • I'm fascinated by the realization that I'm on the right track.

Why Do We Focus on Supporting Teachers?

By thoughtfully investing in teachers and the school system, we are investing in the future of our country and society. Material conditions (school appearance, room size, etc.) alone do not guarantee quality public education. The key lies in teachers, where the differences between teachers within a school are four times greater than the differences between schools. Experiences from other countries (Dylan Wiliam) show that the only most crucial factor in the educational system is teachers (not changes in curricula, norms, standards, ICT, textbooks, etc.). A study (Yeh, 2011) on the cost-effectiveness of 22 learning approaches reveals that formative assessment is the most cost-effective compared to comprehensive school reform, computer-supported learning, longer lessons, higher teacher education, higher teacher salaries, class size reductions, 10% increases in spending per pupil, high-stakes exams...

Dr. John Hattie emphasizes that we attribute excessive importance to achievements. He states, "The variable that best predicts health, wealth, and happiness in later life is not educational attainment, but the total number of years of schooling. Keeping pupils engaged in the learning process is a highly desired educational outcome. As pupils decide how long they will stay in school between the ages of 11 and 15, the experience of attending school and learning in these years must be productive, challenging, and engaging for them. This increases the likelihood that they will stay in school longer." Furthermore, meta-analyses in Visible Learning find that "people with a completed secondary education live six to nine years longer than those without, have better health, and are less likely to be involved in criminal activities or receive social assistance. These costs significantly outweigh the costs of demonstrably successful education, resulting in increased tax revenue, reduced healthcare spending, and lower public assistance expenditures. In addition, young people have the opportunity for higher incomes, better health, and greater happiness."

Nekaj poti razvoja šol:

Primeri slovenskih šol na posnetku webinarja (veščine, počutje učencev).

Izkušnje učiteljev in učencev formativnem spremljanju znanja.

Aubin Grove Primary School, WA, AUS.

Al Yasmina Academy, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Example for learning Walkthrough(VL Walkthrough Tool (2013) for download):