Intervision Meetings

Remote Intervision Meetings with teachers represent an innovative approach to professional development and networking among educators. This format of meetings allows you to connect with colleagues from different regions and exchange experiences through online platforms. The meetings are facilitated by experienced teachers who are willing to contribute to the development of school quality.

Remote Intervision Meetings include:

1. Interactive video conferences that provide a real sense of presence and collaboration, despite physical distance.

2. Sharing experiences: Teachers have the opportunity to share their experiences, practices, and educational challenges with other participants. This exchange forms a rich source of new ideas and perspectives.

3. Discussions and collaboration: Intervision meetings encourage active participation, asking questions, and collaborative problem-solving. This enables teachers to support each other and co-create sustainable solutions to improve their work.

4. Professional Growth: Remote intervision meetings provide an opportunity for continuous professional growth. Teachers can gain new insights, skills, and strategies that they can immediately apply in their classrooms.

5. Flexibility: Remote meetings are tailored to teachers' schedules and needs. Participants can join regardless of their geographical location

6. Participation in the group forum during the time between meetings. Mutual exchange of materials.

Na intervizijskih srečanjih se v šolskem letu 2023/24 povezuje več kot 100 učiteljev.

The meetings are not recorded, so recordings are not available. They last for 90 minutes. There are 3 to 5 meetings per school year.

Upon participation in the meetings, you will receive a certificate of attendance (0.5 credit points) and a certificate for active contribution (presentation of an example from practice, 2 credit points).

  • za 5 srečanj 150 €/udeleženca.

Event Schedule:

  • 1. triletje
  • 2. triletje
  • Podpora in kakovostni odnosi (Nataša Lenarčič)
  • Matematika
  • Slovenščina
  • Angleščina
  • Kemija in naravoslovje
  • Zgodovina in geografija
  • Dodatna strokovna pomoč
  • Ravnatelji

Načrtujemo organizacijo petih srečanj preko Zooma, ki bodo potekala med ponedeljkom in četrtkom. Vsako srečanje bo trajalo 90 minut in bo načrtovano v časovnem obdobju med 17.00 in 21.00 uro. Končne datume in ure srečanj bomo objavili do 31. avgusta 2024.

Termini izvedb 2023/24.

  • INTERVIZIJSKA DSP(16. 11. 2023, 19. 12. 2023, 4. 1. 2024) Potekala bo med 19.00 in 20.30. 
  • INTERVIZIJSKA RAVNATELJI (7. 9. 2023, 14. 11. 2023, 11. 1. 2024, 2. 4. 2024) Potekala bodo med 11.00 in 12.00.
  • INTERVIZIJSKA ANGLEŠČINA(10. 10. 2023, 14. 11. 2023, 12. 12. 2023, 6. 2. 2024, 19. 3. 2024, 14. 5. 2024). Potekala bo med 17.00 in 18.30.
  • INTERVIZIJSKA KEMIJA in NARAVOSLOVJE(11. 10. 2023 (začnemo v novembru, ker še prihajajo prijave), 15. 11. 2023, 20. 12. 2023, 14. 2. 2024, 10. 4. 2024) Potekala bo med 17.00 in 18.30. 
  • INTERVIZIJSKA 1. TRILETJE(25. 9. 2023, 27. 11. 2023, 29. 1. 2024, 25. 3. 2024, 27. 5. 2024). Potekala bo med 17.00 in 18.30. 
  • INTERVIZIJSKA 2. TRILETJE(24. 10. 2023, 28. 11. 2023, 9. 1. 2024, 30. 1. 2024, 23. 4. 2024) Potekala bo med 19.30 in 21.00 uro.
  • INTERVIZIJSKA MATEMATIKA(9. 10. 2023 zaradi bolezni prestavljeno na 16. 10. 2023, 20. 11. 2023, 8. 1. 2024, 12. 2. 2024, 26. 3. 2024) Potekala bo med 19.00 in 20.30.

Intervizija za vodje, 21.9.2023, 23. 12. 2023 od 20.00 do 21.30.