Supporting Schools in Development

We offer comprehensive support and a systematic approach to school development or transformation through guidance from experienced experts and practitioners.

Mateja Peršolja has twenty years of experience in self-regulation, leadership, formative assessment, and visible learning, as well as ten years of experience in leading school development processes.

Nataša Lenarčič has experience in introducing self-regulation and internal control in the field of relationships. She has developed an effective approach for personal growth and relationships suitable for both younger children and teenagers. She holds a certificate in Choice Theory (Glasser Institute) and NLP Coach.

The mode of collaboration and support is determined in agreement with the school leadership and the needs of the staff.

With one year of collaboration, which includes an initial seminar and two sessions with a consultant, as well as at least 3 independent meetings of the development group at the school, we ensure:

  • Quality support for student learning for 20% - 60% of the staff,

  • Increased responsibility and motivation for learning in classrooms where teachers introduce the language of learning, self-regulation and metacognitive strategies,

  • Improved integrity, 

  • Teacher collaboration for the improvement of the learning process and relationships,

  • Increased satisfaction and creativity among teachers.

Each individual can progress and develop in a safe, supportive environment of accepting colleagues and exceptional leaders. Each person is exceptional and contributes to the community in which they operate.

For the transformation you want to achieve at your school, a three-year systematic development plan with clear goals and focused leadership is required. Since each school has a different leadership style and group dynamics, an adapted leadership approach is needed. The principle that less is more applies to all.

In the first year of development, we focus on professional growth at the individual teacher level. We create a safe and supportive environment for development within the school's development group. We observe effects and progress and identify areas for improvement.

The second year of development is dedicated to knowledge networking, strengthening teacher competencies to support each other. Together with the development group and school leadership, we plan the expansion and implementation at the level of the entire staff.

In the third year, we formulate the school's operating principles, including skills, progress monitoring policies, and feedback.

The plan, development, and work dynamics vary from school to school and do not necessarily follow these steps.

1st year



Detection of areas of strength and areas for improvement.

Creating a supportive environment for the growth and development of teachers and students.

Teacher community
2nd year


Knowledge networking, connection and implementation.

Teacher community

3rd year


Development of skills, principles of learning and school functioning.

Teacher community

Opportunities and Challenges

The impact and success of transformation depends primarily on the school leadership and the school development manager.

Zelo pomembno je natančno in premišljeno načrtovati aktivnosti  in prisluhniti potrebam kolektiva. Potrebne so mesečne (ali dvomesečne) aktivnosti (s cilji) s katerimi se več let zaporedoma ohranja fokus na razvoju, implementaciji in učinkih. Zato je potrebno vsaj triletno intenzivno delo, osredotočeno le na eno področje izboljšav (ne sočasno izvajanja več projektov hkrati). Proces preobrazbe je pot, ne projekt.

Spremljanje potreb in zagotavljanje izobraževanj, mreženja znanja in podpore ekspertov iz prakse je za šolsko razvojno skupino ključnega pomena. Zato priporočamo članstvo v naši učiteljski skupnosti ali v intervizijskih skupinah. 

Na ravni kolektiva je potrebno poskrbeti, da vsi člani kolektiva stopijo na pot preobrazbe (v skladu z njihovimi potrebami in izzivi). Povezovanje kolektiva v koherentno celoto (ne ustvarjanje novih delitev) je ključna. V nasprotnem primeru se začnejo pojavljati vprašanja, ki jih v povezavi s spremljanjem znanja in načinom učenja na učitelje (še zlasti ne vključene) naslavljajo učenci in starši. Zato je potrebno pridobiti kritično maso učiteljev in po treh letih poenotiti šolsko kulturo/politiko poučevanja, spremljanja in vrednotenja znanja. Nekatere slovenske šole, predvsem pa tuje, imajo s tem že dolgoletne izkušnje in so dosegle velik premik v kakovosti odnosov ter pouka na šoli.

V petnajstih letih sodelovanja s šolami smo v inštitutu razvili korake za učinkovito vodenje preobrazbe šole.
V spodaj priloženem dokumentu najdete:

  • Priporočila za vodstvo šole in organizacijo procesa na šoli;
  • Odgovornosti BeGrejt inštituta in šole;
  • Pričakovane učinke v primeru spoštovanja dogovorov.
     Priporočila in dogovori s šolami


In schools and where we (co)operate, we:

  • Create a space for sincere sharing and connection among teachers (individuals) in the school (organization) and beyond.

  • Provide an opportunity for mutual learning within schools (organizations, communities) and among schools (organizations, communities).

  • Serve as examples and inspirations.

  • Bring new knowledge, modern research, while respecting tradition and culture.

  • Explore, listen, and express ourselves authentically.

  • Co-create and spread a model that works for us and other (teacher) individuals, complemented with what is important to them.

  • Together, we create a more humane school with an understanding for individuals.

  • Contribute to individuals who are heard, fulfilled, peaceful, and coexist harmoniously.

  • Experiences and Insights from Teachers from One of the Slovenian Schools

Experiences and Insights from Teachers from One of the Slovenian Schools

  • The meetings we have within the framework of the Formative Assessment are like all educational conferences should be: discussions about the quality of teaching, planning improvements in our teaching.

  • With the introduction of Formative Assessment, students become active, which leads to faster acquisition of knowledge, better retention, and lasting knowledge.

  • With Formative Assessment, the learning process is handed over to the student as an individual. They become aware of their prior knowledge, know the objectives and process, create their criteria, and dictate the pace of learning.

  • I've realized that motivating students to become active learners is possible.

  • For subjects where systematicity (structure) is important, this teaching approach is very welcome.

  • What I find crucial is to consciously establish goals and the path to achieve those goals together with the students.

  • During these meetings, I get ideas for handling specific subjects.

  • I'm enthusiastic about the motivation and independence of students, a different approach to knowledge, as well as peer help and collaboration.

  • At the meetings, I get interesting ideas. I see that implementing Formative Assessment in various subjects isn't as complicated as I imagined.

  • I'm thrilled about the positive atmosphere in the classroom and children's cooperation.

  • I like seeing concrete examples from colleagues, the entire process, and video recordings.

  • I'm enthusiastic about the authenticity, sincerity and realism of evaluations. I'm now realizing how critical self-assessments can be even for six-year-olds if we guide them in the process of setting performance criteria.

  • I'm learning how the role of the teacher is changing on one hand and how the role of the student is becoming more prominent, making them active participants in the learning process.

  • I'm thrilled to realize that I'm on the right path.

Prisluhnite mnenju učiteljice, ki deli dragocene izkušnje o tem, kaj jo podpre pri razvoju in navdihuje pri poučevanju. 🚀👩‍🏫

"Na začetku me je bilo strah. Če kaj ne vem, potrkam pri kolegici in vprašam. Pridobivam samozavest. Tudi sama zbiram dokaze o svojem delu. Sogovornike imam na šoli in v intervizijski skupini. 💡"