Regijska srečanja

These meetings are designed for networking, experience sharing, and education, with the aim of enhancing your pedagogical work and promoting progress within the community.

Regional teacher meetings serve as a platform where you can meet colleagues from your area, share your practices and teaching challenges, and gain inspiration from new ideas. The meetings take the form of a knowledge marketplace, interactive discussions, classroom observations, and roundtable discussions that focus on current topics and challenges in education.

Furthermore, regional teacher meetings provide direct access to experienced practitioners from your region who can be your partners and supporters in networking knowledge and experiences. Together, we build a strong educational network that enables support, learning, and growth.

​The topics covered in these meetings are diverse and encompass various aspects of teaching, education, and student development. We pay special attention to the use of visible learning and self-regulation elements, student progress tracking, active learning, and evidence of knowledge, as we believe these elements significantly contribute to creating a better learning environment and improving learning outcomes.

We invite you to consider organizing regional teacher meetings yourself and become part of this unique educational experience. Together, we can make a positive shift in our educational environment and grow as professionals.

Če načrtujete organizacijo regijskega posveta in pri tem iščete zunanjo podporo, vas vabimo, da nas kontaktirate na Sporočite nam želeni datum in lokacijo vašega dogodka ter vaše osnovne želje in pričakovanja glede organizacije. Naš inštitut vam bo z veseljem priskočil na pomoč s celovito podporo, ki vključuje pripravo ustreznih vsebin, izvedbo kvalitetnih predavanj, vodenje celotnega dogodka in strokovno svetovanje za zagotavljanje uspešne organizacije. Naš cilj je, da skupaj ustvarimo dogodek, ki bo odgovoril na vaše potrebe in presegel pričakovanja.

If you're interested in attending a regional conference, please fill out the form so we can keep you informed about the event.