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Teaching according to Formative Assessment principles (3rd grade example)
Teaching according to Formative Assessment principles (3rd grade example)

3. razred, okolje, slovenščina in matematika (Maja Pur Tretjak)

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Formative Assessment and learning Impact
Formative Assessment and learning Impact

Primeri merjenja učinka učenja (napredka v znanju) za različne predmete in starostne skupine.

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Examples of Formative Assessment in class Level
Examples of Formative Assessment in class Level

Vedenje in socializacija, govorni nastop, pisanje, novica, medpredmetno povezovanje.

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Support for relationships and learning
Support for relationships and learning

Webinar z Natašo Lenarčič o uvajanju socialnih veščin.   

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Support for learning in kindergarten and first grade
Support for learning in kindergarten and first grade

Spremljanje napredka in uvajanje samoregulacije.

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Support for learning in geography and history
Support for learning in geography and history

Merila, povratna informacija, spremljanje znanja pri družboslovnih predmetih.

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Mistakes - an opportunity to learn
Mistakes - an opportunity to learn

Strategije ob katerih napake postanejo priložnost za učenje. 

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How to integrate skills into teaching?
How to integrate skills into teaching?

Kako v poučevanje vpeljati veščine?

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Izkušnje iz študijskih obiskov v tujini 24.1.2024
Izkušnje iz študijskih obiskov v tujini 24.1.2024

Učitelji bodo delili primere iz študijskih obiskov v Angliji.

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Learning support in 2nd Educational Cycle
Learning support in 2nd Educational Cycle

Primer za naravoslovje, šport in bralna pismenost.

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Upcoming free webinar: How to start the school year? 26. 8. 2024 at 19h
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Upcoming free webinar: Assessment of knowledge 5. 11. 2024 at 19h
Upcoming free webinar: Self learning class 28. 11. 2024 at 18h
Upcoming webinar: Skills and skill detectives 7. 1. 2025 at 18h
Upcoming webinar: Skills and skill detectives 7. 1. 2025 at 18h

Spremljanje napredka in uvajanje samoregulacije.