Regijsko srečanje na OŠ Pesnica

Submission of contributions to the Knowledge Marketplace

We will accept a minimum of 40 presentations across various age groups. If you would like to showcase your innovative practice or examples of excellent practice in teaching, knowledge monitoring, and the use of modern technologies, we invite you to submit your contribution.

Description of Contribution


Upload example images in a new window You can upload up to 10 photos or documents.
After uploading the photos, return to this page.

Contact Information

How can our team get in touch with you?


  • ​Please note all the points below:
  • 1. What will you present? Maximum three things, please highlight one. Think about what you do best.

  • 2. Kratek opis predstavljenega primera (max ½ A4).

    3. Ali prispevek vključuje formativno spremljanje oz. vidno učenje?

5. Which age group are you presenting (1st, 2nd, 3rd educational cycle and high school)

Booth Example: