A Personal Transformation

I felt as if I had come out of the box in which I had closed myself and had been removed from life for years. I have never felt life so deeply. First of all, I felt a pleasant, warm, fulfilled feeling in my chest that overwhelmed me and filled my whole body. Turned on a voice, a light in me and turned off the restlessness.

​I saw how I lived unfulfilled, empty, always on the prowl looking on the world through semi closed doors and did not dare to step outside or look at it closely, express myself and contribute. I got a voice that was always there. Got a word that was always there, but wasn't "good" enough to let go of.

No more reastlessness. There is no more division, separation, distance, two mes in me. It is one and perfect. I am whole.

And I see people as one, walking the same path in the same direction. I see people who are connected, good and contributing. I see a treasure in people. I first found it in myself. A treasure in the form of excellence, fullness and wholeness.

And in each of us is the power to find this treasure. We can only do this together. Because sometimes others have to lend us their eyes to see it (thanks Žiga Goltes). And when they share with us, we don't believe it. Because it's hard to belive when we don't see each other like that..

But we can observe our excellence in how others see us. We can see others when we let go of self and selfishness. And we hear other, and then we also hear and see ourselves in a new light, as a contribution. And we no longer need to clamour, to possess, to shout that we have and are noticed. Because there is no more emptiness to fill. We just are and in us, around us everything we need at that time, and beauty, and excellence and gratitude.

Thank you for your contribution. Thank you for being.

Photo: Mateja Peršolja

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